Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tilly Monster

We have finally named this little gal! Her name is Tilly. I call her Tilly Monster or Monster..Because she is. The breeder named her Jude and we were not sure if we were going to keep it.  Lilly wanted to name her peaches. Raley wanted to name her Noona. I liked Indie or Tatters.. because she looks like a tater tot. My mom liked Tilly because shes french and so is the name or Josie for her housekeeper that raised my mom. As far as Jude my mom like the name and thought it was funny, Lilly hated it, and for myself it would have been weird. When I was married that would have been the name if we had a son. But I was blessed with two daughters! Lilly and Raley are over the moon for their new puppy that my parents got for them. Shes perfect. She loves to play and is really wild but is such a snuggle bug she always has to be sitting on you. Remy finally warmed up to her and Raley calls them the papa lion and baby lion because that is what they sound like when they play. Lilly has been feeding her and "training" her, we took her to Show and Tell at school the last week and she was a hit!  

1 comment:

  1. Tilly appears like she is a ball of energetic comedy and a great addition to your beautiful family. By the way I have a cat that I could bring to you.
