These are the Party Favors and Activities we did. For the Party Favors we got Pixie Sticks, Water Bottles with the kids name on them in vinyl from the cricut and Bubbles! Then the girls got to keep there Fairy Flower Halos and Wings that they wore at the party! Then during the party we painted Wooden "Fairy Houses" and Wooden "Fairies" that they took home also!
For a sec, ( Bare with me...)Jump back to this past Halloween I made a giant felt pumpkin countdown calender ( someday I will put that on here) and I put a piece of candy in a pocket for each day. But to buy the candies, I took Lilly to "Party City" and they have this huge section that is like 15 Candies for a dollar and you can use a mini shopping Basket so Lilly was really into it! So ever since then (of course its RIGHT next to Michael's, drat) she is always wanting to go into the "Candy Store"well so for her Birthday I told her we could go pick out some candies for her party! She lost it, she was so excited! We went into the "Candy Store" and she got her min shopping basket and just wandered and looked at all the candy adding to her basket as we went! Then she came across these and thought they were wonderful, so being the sweet mommy that I am I told her that if she wanted to she could pick one out for each of her friends and keep the candies in her basket for herself! That won me Mommy of the Year or at least 5min ;) It was fun and I know she had a blast!

I got these at Michael's for $1.00, bpa free! My mom printed them out using Vinyl from her cricut
These were the Fairy houses that I got for the kids to paint a $1.00 at Michaels or Joann's
I did these wooden Fairys for the kids to paint ! I bought the wooden ped dolls at Joanns for $1.29 for a two pack. The wings I bought at Michaels for next to nothing. Hot glued them together! Instent Fairy!
I had two boy fairies for the boys to paint and the rest girls! Boy on the left side, Girl on the right side!
I made these Flower Fairy Halo's for the girls to wear and take home. Since the girls were all different ages form 19 months to 12 years I made them so they were able to tie in the back. These were a pain to make because I thought that the wire would be best if it went THREW the flower steam part. After I made these I thought about it, I should have just bought Flower Garland and made the Halos with that!! It would have been so much easier!!
We took these to school. Because everything has to be prepackaged, I really wanted to bake cupcakes or cakepops something fun! But allergies. We tied bubble wands ( I got them at walmart I think they were 6 for a $1.00) to them with a "Lillys 4!" scrapbook punchout. Lilly was super excited so thats all that matters! I came to class a couple mins early and snuck her out so she could put them in her classmates "mailbox" along with a picture that I had taken at the begging of class of the whole class together